Bucklin Family History Research Records Retrieval and Ancestry Research
If your research involves Bucklins, then we can suggest a researcher who will provide affordable genealogy research for you.
Researchers are happy to take on small or limited jobs. Don’t feel that a two hour job might be too small. They are happy to give you the little push of extra or new information you need!
- Professional researchers know how to look, where to look, and how to do it quickly.
- The researchers we suggest want to help you for a reasonable fee; they are not intending to make a pile of money. It’s our researchers’ way of adding to Bucklin family history.
Our mission in this research service is to provide you with documented family history — because it will add to the Bucklin Society database of information as a part of the total product you receive.
The researcher we suggest will search for information on individuals or families on a per hour basis – you set the dollar or hour limit.
Each family and person is unique, so our researcher will have an initial phone conversation with you to understand what you want done, and at the same time give you some ideas of what is likely to be able to be done in the time limit you set.
Research is done only by researchers interested in contributing to Bucklin family history. If we do not have such a researcher available at the time you inquire, we will tell you that.
Most customers want hourly work done and to pay after the work is done, but researchers do not want to be unpaid. Therefore, we are available to act as the depository for your deposit on the work to be done. Our Society’s standard arrangement is that you deposit $220, which will pay for $55.00 per hour for 4 hours of work by the researcher. Your excess deposit over the actual time needed for the job is refunded to you.
Genealogy is different with each individual; therefore there is no guarantee of what will be found or the results of the time spent in research.
There are two things that you can do to keep costs down, and help aid a successful search:
- Provide the researcher with as much information as you have. Remember, they are searching on your time. The more information you provide, before they go “on the clock”, the better they can use time.
- Tell the researcher of the sources you have already searched.
Genealogy Reports, Guarantee, and Charges Information
Joseph Bucklin Society: professional genealogy research and reports at affordable rates, with you in control of the limits.
The Research
Within the limits of time and expenses that you set, your researcher will do research by identifying, locating and researching the historical and genealogical records which are most likely to provide answers to your genealogical questions.
What is not guaranteed
No one cannot guarantee a specific genealogical result, such as proving a specific relationship. Researchers seek the truth, whatever it may be. A good researcher cannot guarantee what he/she will find in a given search time. What you pay for is time in pursuit of an answer to your most pressing genealogical problems according to the limits you set for time and money.
Research fees – Deposit – Return of unused deposit
$55 per hour plus expenses. The researcher we connect you with will start when you furnish us a 4 hour ($220) “retainer” deposit fee. As they work we disburse from that deposit. We will return any unused portion of the deposit to you. After the four hour limit has been met, if you want the researcher to do more work then four hours, they will we will ask for an additional deposit to pay for additional work you request, plus expenses.
“Expenses” are any expenses incurred doing your specific research, including postage, telephone, copying costs, and travel expenses. If travel is required they will tell you about it in advance and get your approval for travel time and expenses.
The time charged does not include the time it takes to consult with you by telephone, but it does include the time to analyze your problem and research the records, as well as the time to analyze, organize, type, and report the results to you.
In short: your retainer deposit fee will be charged for time and for expenses, such as documents ordered. You will be provided with a receipt and documentation for all expense charges. Copies of all documents you furnish in paper format will be returned to you.
When Will Work Stop?
You can always place a research time limit or direct that work stop at any time.
How Will We Communicate the Results to You?
How Will We Communicate the Results to You?
You, the client, have an unrestricted license to use and publish the results of our work. However, what you are buying is research services, not the words used in any report or results you get. As a part of the lowered dollar price you pay when using the researcher we connect you with, the Joseph Bucklin Society retains the copyright on the researcher’ reports and the Joseph Bucklin Society’s executive director will hold an unlimited license to publish, or grant rights to publish, the research findings, so that others can also benefit from the research. Our copyright and licenses to publish do not include original materials owned by the client and supplied by the client to the researcher, such as family bible records and family letters, which we will not publish without the client’s permission.